Showing posts with label Bad Indie Films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad Indie Films. Show all posts

Monday, July 24, 2023


Monahans Sandhills Photoshoot
Houston, TX [Taken from an article in the QSE.357 Emag] by D. R. Quintana - During a recent indie film conference in Austin, I was asked, "What type of director falls into the category of a first time filmmaker?" And the answer I gave raised a lot of eyebrows. In this article, I'll cover the idealism of what personal elements separates the amateur independent film hobbyist from the well trained and educated cinematographer. Always keep in mind that there are some bad film production traits in film making that can instantly be identified by even the most basically trained camera operator who has even a few film productions under their belt. With that insight out of the way, let's get started.

Where most of the problems arise with first time filmmakers? A dangerous trait that often infects the amateur film producer is the idealism that "exposure to a skill" is just as good as being schooled and trained in a professional art. In simple terms, some people are either too proud or desire instant satisfaction of success, that they'll live with the guise that "just because they witnessed someone use a film technique, like guerilla-style filming on a project," that they know how to produce an entire film. Guerilla Style Filming [GSF] isn't an approved skill provided in film school, as it doesn't require the use of specific lighting or on set camera rigs or use of "lens scoping" to prepare in capturing a scene, due to the lack of lack of obtaining permits or requiring authorization. 

GSF is rarely practiced in Hollywood today, but during the independent film genre production rise of the 1980's and 90's, classic films like Jim Cameron's THE TERMINATOR or John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN, epic films that are filled with GSF, that production staffs were scrambling to gain authorization permits up to the final hours prior to the nationwide release of these now classically successful films. Ultra-low budgeted Indie films today have to try and prosper in making films using GSF throughout their production. Many have to try and fake the viewer by using camera tricks and editing software to hide the lack of production efforts in making their films look pristine. Some film makers are successful at hiding their lack of production prowess, some fail, and some don't even try to hide the fact that they lack the skill and training of working a camera.

Monahans Sandhills Photoshoot

Knowing how and when to use lighting is a skill, not an option. Amateur filmmakers who claim to know how use proper cinematography usually fail to practice the proper use of lighting, even when there is plenty of light around to fill the scene requirement. 

Even some of the most basic standard lighting practices are learned in the photography world; learning how to adjust a camera, correcting shutter speeds, aperture adjustments and even using soft lighting. Most of these basic camera adjustments [or formats] can be easily spotted in a film when they are not in use. Most first time filmmakers make the mistake of using DSLR [Digital Single Lens Reflex] cameras and fail to calibrate the lenses prior to each use. DSLRs may seem easy to use, especially in films that require a ton of action and movement, but they also show that some cinematographers are "playing it safe" using such rigs to capture an entire film. 

Inexperience can definitely ruin a films production even before the first camera begins to roll film, especially if the film team plans on thriving with what they've seen in another film production, but not what they've actually learned over time, with proper training and leadership. Case in point is the photo to your right; shooting a photo with the sun directly behind the model and on regular shutter, speed, the model is darkened out. But with the proper settings on camera and with soft light, a more perfect and pristine photo can be captured without the loss of the sun in the background. This part of photography theology is paramount to the experience of a good cinematographer. 

In professional film production, the sun cannot be an element that changes the location of the scene at hand or the direction which one must film. Cinematographers must think their way through each scene, keeping focus on balancing the light from any angle. During a day shoot, a strong camera operator should measure the obstacles that might arise during production [as seen below and to your left].

Monahans Sandhills Photoshoot

Is lighting truly that important in making your first film? Both yes and no. If you are a high school student or amateur making your first film, you'll look passed the requirements and become instantly elated that you completed your first film, even though parts of it have horrible balance, some bad lighting arrangements, some scenes are slightly out of focus, and it only cost you a few dollars to make. So if your first film makes you truly happy and your closest friends agree, then no.

Most small film teams are only excited that their first film, even with all of it's obvious imperfections, was complete and released for all to see. The concern of being exposed to the rest of the real filmmaking world is the problem and a large part of where one might learn that an experienced camera operator or film director might have some criticisms about the film that your overly excited about making. The reviews may seem harsh and abrasive, but the advice that one should accept as an element to grow will provide providence for future success.

Where you will see that lighting IS important, is when you deliver a film that is well balanced and the views take positive recognition in your efforts to provide the best beauty in every shot of the film. The proper measured lighting will bring in the best color environments that allows one scene to seamlessly cross into another, not bringing any doubt that the film was captured in the best format with the best hands possible.

Can a filmmaker "fake it, until they make it?" Not really. The 1999 film, THE BLAIR WITCH, directed by two college students, Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick, who took the Indie film scene by storm when they released a film produced entirely by using GSF. The filmmakers claimed the film was initially produced with an ultra-low budget of $60,000, and the question isn't whether the budget was justified or not, the question arose about the legal costs involved in obtaining permits after the fact that the film was released nationwide. The film was filled with scenes lacking lighting, bad cinematography which was justified under the release that the film was shot in "documentary style" format. In truth, the college students didn't know anything about required paperwork or permits until the film was picked up by Artisan Entertainment. After the process of confirming the required production efforts to legalize the film, the budget jumped up to $200K-$750K, smashing the original "ultra-low" budget claim. However, the film was a success and brought in over $248.6 million after it's release.

Monahans Sandhills Photoshoot
Even though THE BLAIR WITCH gained significant fame with fans, professional directors and cinematographers were not impressed with the format of the film and over the course of time, the Directors Guild of America took action to prevent films with ultra-low productions to openly cut corners and allow indie films to enter into prominent industry studio contracts without completing prior format and film requirements prior to acceptance. So the "fake it until you make it" mentality will eventually fail.

Should a first time filmmaker consider going to school for the trade? If you want to be taken seriously as a professional in the field, yes. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022


πŸŽ₯🎞️Movie Review🎞️πŸŽ₯ - RESERVOIR DOGS - [R] - Released in 1992, this as Quentin Tarantino's debut film which stars Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Steve Busemi, Michael Madsen, and others. This [then] Independent Film ran for 99 minutes and had a budget of $1.2 to $3 Million; grossing $2.9 Million in the box office. The plot of the movie concerns a diamond heist gone bad. A few of the actors in this film [like Buscemi and Madsen] were complete nobodies when the film premiered, but are now some of the top named talent in Hollywood.

Now, I've been producing Indie movies and short films for a little over 20 years, reviewing and critiquing major films for a long time, and I have to admit that I never got off my ass to watch this film. I'm not sure why, but there was this hesitation I've always had with films [of any production value] that are often [in my opinion] over-hyped, and generally accepted as pop culture films. I have seen many Tarantino films before and I do have several favorites, but this film is the least liked of the films he's produced and directed. As a matter of fact, this is the worst film I've seen in a long, long time.

There are some big names in this film, which I am sure account for the big budget given to the production, and given the fact that the movie primarily takes place in a warehouse with very little left to offer, it's obvious that Tarantino had a solid connection with investors and brought this cash cow to life with the big names in the films title credits. Seriously, I've seen some bad indie films living in the Houston area for over the last 15 years, and the largest majority of Houston's indie film crap were far better produced  than this piece of shit film.

This just goes to prove that in the real Independent film business, it all depends on who you know and what type of hype you get to have people watch your film. Tarantino must have had a solid promotional team to push this shit sludge out to the public and make it seem like the best thing since scented toilet paper. There is nothing remarkable in this film; there's a ton of over acting, useless arguments, tons of profanity, and story arcs that lead nowhere. The camera work is stagnant and there's really that stands out except one character [played by Tim Roth] that bleeds from a stomach wound throughout the entire film, that show's any real substantiated element to the film that makes you wonder how that character could have lived that long.

There's a continuous argument between the main characters concerning a botched diamond heist, but you never see it. As a matter of fact, Tarantino plays a short cameo in the film and you never see how he gets killed, save the fact that one character says, "Oh, he was shot and killed too." Oh boy, and movies like this were the prime drive to hope that indie film directors CAN eventually break into the Hollywood circuit?

This movie was nothing but DOG SHIT! 

πŸ’«[.5 out of 5 Stars]

Monday, August 15, 2022


Houston, TX - Yes, the title to this blog says it all. It happens more often than not and those "first time film directors and producers" who develop a love to split the lines between what is an actual good film and what kind of crap they filmed; trying to sell it as the next best thing since soggy bread floating in a dark swamp, that NO ONE will ever see. In the local indie circles, there's always some egotistical schmuck with cash who thinks they can change the way indie films are produced and make a multi-million business out of their first film. The gimmick always seems to have a little too much planning, a little too much foresight, and always only ends up with a ton of pointless hype that never fills anyone's daily feed on their personalized Internet platforms, like Facebook or Instagram. These "first time film makers" think they can squeeze into an industry by flattering people with their ingenuity, but will learn quickly that even the most brightest amateur has seen their "production crap" before and they are not fooling anyone. - This is where narcissistic producers and their director usually go to die from existence.

There's been a saying within the first time film maker community that "directors are a dime a dozen" and that "many film teams exist that can produce better quality films" with better effort, with better production teams, or even better actors. The realization is that if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it and not just as a glorified hobby. Keep in mind that these first Indie filmmakers absolutely have no prior film making experience nor are they apt to following an established format for producing or arranging film teams. They often claim to have all the answers but have nothing to show from prior experience. There is a pattern that most believe they can "fake it until they make it" with nothing but hype, useless independent film award stamps, and a production effort that is anything but professional and entertaining to anyone outside of their own little circle. - That's the price for NOT learning the film making system or making solid contacts within the filming community.

First time filmmakers are always trying to impress in areas that they've never worked or been exposed to before. Many feel that they've got a taste for making full feature films because of some prior exposure to film production with another film team or that they viewed some "how to" documentary on YouTube or searched the steps to film making on Google. The truth is, being an Indie film maker gives film teams "an out" from following the more progressive way[s] to make a film and where their productions can take short cuts and cut through a bunch of red tape which would usually slow a production down or hinder their films from being shot without a permit. Film permits are not always required, but many industry distributors that require a license for a film will need them to confirm a deal. First timers often feel that they have the right magic on the first go-round in their film production and expect to "ring that bell" and get distribution deal for making millions of dollars on their first film. How many times have I heard the phrases, "We're working on a distribution deal..." or "We have a meeting with a distributor..." after producing their first film. It's truly pathetic. - That's the price for NOT knowing how to build a solid, knowledgeable production team on your first film.

But just how good is a first timers premiere film production? - I guess that all depends on who you ask. If you ask the first time filmmaker and his team, they'll tell you that their first attempt at making their film "...was a huge success;" made to a standard that blows any competition away. The biased film teams friends and family will tell you that they'd " a DVD or pay a ticket" to watch it again. Asking someone not affiliated and unbiased to the film team will often tell you that "the film blows..." and that they "...wasted an hour and a half of their lives" watching it. I know that these groups of people will make you feel uneasy to spend the time to watch the first time film; you'll remember right off that first time filmmakers have no experience in doing anything to produce and promote their films when they premiere. They often just rent a room or auditorium and try to fill it up with people  that they know and who will be supportive. These amateur teams usually get updates from their "first time director," who will post something on their Facebook page and try to get people to be part of their following. But in the end, these newbies will end up calling their family and close friends, begging them to come to the premiere and watch their show - That's the price of NOT actually knowing how to market or produce a proper trailer for your first film.

Many first time film makers reading this blog will come to an instant realization that I am "pointing them out" or "made a personal attack against them," by berating their progress and success in completing their first film. What these newbies truly need to do is ask themselves, "Why do they think that they're among the top of the list in the category of indie films?" Part of the major step in making films is having the dire courage or "nut-sack" to have their film reviewed and critiqued by other seasoned filmmakers who have a plethora of films under their lifetime portfolios. If you produce a film but cannot face the criticism of a proper film review, then it's high time you hang your hat in the field of film making and quietly step away. A bad review isn't something to hold on to and let it bring you down, it's something to grow from; a stepping stone for you to learn from. Hence; "When a child first learns to walk, they will  fall and fall hard. But they will learn to get back up on their feet and try and try again." No one has ever been lucky enough to get it right the first time; even though there are a few idiots out there that will tell you that they did. And of course, there are plenty who think they have that "one instant plan" that logically should work. . - That's the price for NOT knowing who to go to for a proper review of your first film.

It isn't a crime to seek out to go make your first film. Just don't wind up believing your own hype and try to garner a successful career through fictitious means. I mean seriously, awarding yourself a trophy or bragging about indie film awards that you won after you nominated them yourself and paid money to receive...that's real success? Besides there are real and more professional indie film teams out there producing top quality films with sensational scripts, fabulous actors and crews.

Below are a few things to remember should you be bold enough to get your film reviewed or critiqued by people who actually knows what to look for in the local Indie film scene


Movie Review Picture
To give your audience a feel of what to expect in your film, let your opening credits and the musical them track lead them down a road of emotions that help you build the mood for your film project. Keep the flow consistent and the lettering stationary and very clear to read; no more than three seconds per credit, and then extend the time frame for the leading title to about five to eight seconds. This shows that your proud of the title and how it is eventually going to grow on the viewers. Keeping the rhythm of the film moving with good pacing will show the viewers the flow of the films production and the professional atmosphere of the first scenes leading into the ten to fifteen minute mark. If you're claiming your film has action, then this is the best time to present it to the masses. If your film has a creepy sense to it, prove it within the first ten minutes. Indie film critics always look for these fundamental parameters in your film. Establishing character development follows the opening and you'd better lay in thick but very subtle. Let the viewers figure out our characters for themselves and you shouldn't spend any time having dialog define who anyone is and what their story arcs are.

Without the formats listed above, you audience is going to crash on you. Especially if you're just slapping credits up on the screen to some song you paid good money for, thinking the small crowd and film critics will be impressed with your amateur opening and want to see more. Furthermore, if you're spending so much time trying to layer in a ton of actors in the first twenty minutes of your film, the views and critics will die and stop paying attention to the rest of the film. Sure, there are always slow parts in film, but some dialog is important to put out and you should always put the slow part of your film in the middle, giving your actors time to establish themselves with their performances. As a producer, you should have a test audience pre-screen your film and give you an honest and brutal review. This group of people shouldn't have a bias or be part of the production team; for obvious reasons.

If you've done everything right, the audience should be focused and wanting more from the production than what's being presented. Think of it this way, if you have a huge plotline that you feel will hook the audience with fear or a sense of anxiety, then be sure to hold that hook until the right time. Delivering your plot too soon might bring the house down too early and leave your film in the proverbial lurch. But holding the hook and delivering a fast punch will bring the entire production to a climax that can be felt by everyone in the audience. Having an experience of holding screenings of your film and viewing their emotions throughout the preview can be such an exhilarating experience; especially if you planned a funny scene and see that your writing within the production actually works. Remember, I'm not talking about you [the director or producer], your family or your friends...I'm talking about the people outside of your comfort circle.

Without any of the post production adjustments hinted above, your viewers are going to tank at the end of the credits and not want to see your next film. They will also wonder who produced this mess and also question the type of production that can be saved after the mess they've witnessed. In the last 15 years, I've personally witnessed indie films crash after all the hype they pushed on their own people. Films that won awards in the indie film festival circuits were actually far  worse than the films that only went from production to presentation. I've learned that films which enter film festivals have a tendency to never be seen by anyone that really matters in the Indie film circuit; and most of these films go directly to and boast about their productions. I find it such a squirrely scam to see these production teams without a nut sack to present their films out right. They often claim that their film is being seen by someone "in LA" that doesn't want the film released just yet. It's such a cheesy and stupid excuse, but what ever makes scam artists go away...well, just go away!

Friday, July 1, 2022



Indie Low Budget Shoot
 Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022




 Thank you for stopping by!


Saturday, May 7, 2022


Blog Banner w/D. R. Quintana
It shouldn’t be a huge undertaking to land the perfect scene location for your film. In the case of indie film making, most production teams make the mistake of writing a script and then start looking for places to fill the scenes. When locations become the focus of a scenes success, they’re labeled as burdens of choice when the right place either can’t be found or the perfect place just couldn’t be confirmed prior to production. When a writer begins putting together a script, he should consider what locations, materials, wardrobe, running water and most importantly, power sources that are around for the planned project.

QSE .357 Feb Cover
A few months ago, one of our Quantum Storm .357 [QSE .357] E-Magazine  issues covered the importance of pre-production and what a good filmmaker should consider prior to establishing a production budget before estimating costs. Because listing the things that you already have in your pocket can save you a lot of money if you don't need to go out and search for it, get permits, permissions, or establish communication with the local community prior to filming. A good producer, with established prior experience, will have a list of things that could help out a project before pre-production has begun. A bad producer will have no idea where to start and a plethora of last minute searches that could hinder production efforts with a "winging it" mentality that will frustrate the entire production team every time a new location is needed.

Angelika5 Promo Pic
The job of a producer isn’t just to order people around to help find locations, but it's also the job of the producer to actually get off his ass and establish contacts with the local community, personally ensuring one on one contact, so that the locations can be attained at little cost as possible and even perhaps used for free in future projects. Bum Producers try to evade this part of their job and most of time struggle to make any contact with the right person(s); most of time it’s due to not having the right charisma or personality to mingle with the right city crowds or property owners.

In my years as a line producer; trust me I've worn man hats in my own indie film  productions, I’ve had my challenges to find locations for the right scene in a film. I’ve spent my time location spotting even when I’ve been out with my family on burger runs. The search never stops and I do my best to find the property or home owners to get the rights to shoot my indie film projects there as often as I can. Grimes and Montgomery Counties in Texas have proven to be some of the friendliest places to gain access to various, epic locations. I've produced a little over 30 indie film projects with locations that have extended the "script to film" environment to unexpected levels.

Pieces of 8 Promo Pic
One location, that I call my "go-to" location, when all else fails, has been the scene location called "The Lightsey Ranch." This property has been in almost every indie film I've ever filmed. The location is perfect; far from main roads, ambulances, fire houses, with a closed property, access to power, restroom, shower, and running water, plus plenty of room to maneuver. Even better is that it's located in a private community with strong supporting neighbors who know whats going on there from time to time, even late at night. The location has been used in various types of movies and web series productions, from ghost stories, to Science Fiction, to murder mystery, to paranormal, and even a zombie movie or two.

Recently, we started working on two new projects at the ranch [one SciFi, the other a paranormal film] and with the new greenery starting to sprout this spring, we expect to catch some great scenes out there. Be sure to check out next month's issue of the QSE .357 because we will be presenting a trailer and some in-depth behind the scenes looks at several studio projects!

I've worked with a few Bum Producers recently who have attempted to take me to court and take control of the Lightsey Ranch property by filing court papers and threatening a "demand of a lean" on the property. Yeah, their desire to make use of the property to make films is so childish and over the years I had to make legal changes to keep the property off the ownership of the film maker [me] and the private film studio that I own and operate. Believe me, it happens and greed is out there, so always cover your ass and don't trust anyone in the indie film business, especially when they claim to have money and know the business!

PATCH Promo Pic
What has been lost over greed is the importance of the positions are in film teams. Remember that producers establish the materials for the director to use and deliver the kind of project a good script can emphasize. Executive Producers being in cash flow and investment opportunities. Seldom to producers actually take part in being in the filming development phase of the production, unless he's staked his reputation in monetary value for the projects delivery. If that is the case, then that producer is called a "pigeon toe" - essentially, "...some asshole who gets in the way a lot..." of the production efforts and slows everything down by constantly demanding certain changes to the films production because he found something else to add to the film; or more commonly, he's found another investment opportunity by adding some person, location, music track, or other useless item to the film.

Finding a good location that can be used time and time again is gold, folks. New directors need to absorb the fact that Bum Producers love to use the same locations over and over again from one film to the next, with little artistic flair in the projects they choose to support. Before you agree to work with any producer, check out the work they've done before; more especially the materials they brought to other projects. You don't want to step on any toes using scene locations that were used in another movie in the same way.

That's why it's very important to have an experienced, strong and knowledgeable director to lead the production team and who isn't afraid to say "No!" to a producer every once in a while. Successful film teams can't look up to a "suck up" whose always kissing a producers ass just to keep him around for "this" or "that" reason.

Stay strong, my friends. Continue to search for those new and interesting film locations!

Ride Easy,

D. R. Quintana
Editor in Chief

Sunday, April 24, 2022


Indie films suffer all the time due to first time film makers failing to use proper film formatting when they present their first project, whether its a film released on the internet or their film trailer released for anyone to see on an international level, making an impression on people [and indie judges] will come from how you present your film. This blog is presented to you from the notes of any first semester of film school. Your knowledge of Aspect ratios and compression etiquette can help you make the first best impression at the start of your take notes!

Aspect ratios in film and television have changed over the years, but the one thing that stays consistent is people's desire to create and show their work in the proper format. So if you're making movies, short films, commercials, TV shows, or just shooting with friends, make sure you know the aspect ratio where you're going to upload or project. 

Whether you're watching a show on your iPhone, setting up your new 70in 4K television, or sitting your butt in a theater, aspect ratio matters. The aspect ratio refers to the size of the image displayed on your screen. While this sounds technical, aspect ratios can help storytellers add another layer to their repertoire. Also, for independent filmmakers and huge studio directors, the right aspect ratio can attract more viewers and create a buzz around your film or TV show. 

There's a lot to learn when it comes to aspect ratios. Like which aspect ratios matter in social media and which aspect ratios make sense for Netflix and Amazon versus theatrical. The aspect ratio of an image describes the width and height. It's usually written as two numbers separated by a colon, as in 16:9. It can also be written with an “x” between the numbers. Like 3x4.
Aspect ratios have changed over time, depending on what people use to view media. As screens got bigger, aspect ratio adjusted. As they got smaller, it continued to happen. Over 100 years ago, the very first films were projected in 4:3. The standard film strip was run through a projector and light behind it through the image onto a wall. The 4:3, or 1.33:1, was the literal measurement of the strip.

As film evolved, so did the aspect ratio. Film strips eventually became 1.37:1, and that became the standard for cinema across the globe. 1.37:1 was the ratio officially approved by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1932. They made it the standard and people started calling it the Academy Ratio. In the 1950s, TV became ever more popular. People started going to the theater less, and theatrical distributors knew they needed to make a change. So they went even bigger, with Cinerama.  

Cinerama was the first widescreen format to be introduced after the Academy Ratio became a standard in 1932. It involved projecting images from three synchronized 35mm projectors onto a deeply-arced screen. It utilized aspect ratios of 2.59:1 to 2.65:1 to make images seem huge.

CinemaScope used aspect ratios of 2.35:1 to 2.66:1. It only had to use one projector to get the image on the screen, so it was preferable to Cinerama. Developed by Earl Sponable, who was the head of research at 20th Century Fox, CinemaScope was last used in 1967, the term "scope" is still used by projectionists and filmmakers to refer to any movie that uses anamorphic lenses or with an aspect ratio of 2.35:1 or more.

It's funny to think that even in the 1960s, theaters were trying to find a way to get people to watch less television and to come to the movies. Especially since we're having similar troubles today. Nowadays, if you want to go to the theater to see something projected, you can choose from 35mm or the much larger 70mm.

70mm has caught back on recently, since Tarantino, Nolan, and Paul Thomas Anderson have all elected to have their films projected in the huge format. 70mm boasts an aspect ratio of 2.76:1 – twice as large as the standard 35mm film. 70mm was what put Ben-Hur on the map in 1959, and now it's a way that filmmakers are getting people out to see the spectacle. 70mm is often combined with IMAX formats. 

The modern IMAX design uses 70mm film that is shown horizontally with a massive 15 perforations per frame, giving it approximately six times the resolution of 35mm film. The average IMAX screen size is approximately 72' x 50' (22m x 16m), which is significantly larger than traditional movie screens of approximately 50' x 20' (16m x 6.1m).

TV boxes were 4:3 until widescreen televisions debuted in the 2000s. Many older programs had to convert their 4:3 shows to 16x9. But people who watched movies on TV rejoiced. The theatrical experience had finally come home. And as TVs grew in size, aspect ratios began to reflect the change.

So now we're in the digital era. We don't have to rely on the size of the film stock to reflect our aspect ratio. And if you have the money to shoot in 70mm, you still might not want to. People are creating lots of different media content. We're shooting shorts, digital series, movies, TV shows, commercials, Instagram videos, Facebook posts, and Snapchats

If you're going to do it for the 'gram, you should do it with the right aspect ratio. Instagram has specific guidelines for what works on its site. 

  1. Square (1:1)
  2. Standard Horizontal (16:9)
  3. Alt Horizontal (1.91:1)
  4. Vertical (4:5)

We all love to shoot stuff to post on Facebook. Whether its the trailer for your new venture or a web series, you want people to be able to like and share the best content. Facebook supports:  

  1. 16x9
  2. 9x16
  3. 4x5
  4. 2x3
  5. 1x1

You can upload phone videos, movie trailers, and fluidly share videos from all other social channels if they occur in the aforementioned formats.

Like Facebook, Twitter is a great place to get your message out there. It's great to get retweets and social engagements. Twitter is one of the best places to get your message put to the people and to interact individually. Twitter supports the following aspect ratios: 

  1. 1x1  1200 X 1200
  2. 2x1 1200 X 600
  3. 3x2 1200 X 800

So here's the deal: lately, some streaming services have been cutting off almost 25% of movies by reformatting them to fit 16x9 televisions. While this practice is supposed to stop, with letterboxes being added to share the proper format, you should still be aware. If you're creating content for Netflix, Amazon, or HBO, you should know their aspect ratios. That way you'll know how your work is presented on the screen.  

Netflix, Amazon and HBO shows almost everything in 16x9. So if you're trying to watch a movie that's natively in 2.39:1, you're going to get the black bars. They also have been known to use 2:1 aspect ration. This aspect ratio is also used in many new Netflix series and is less wide than scope, but still gives the viewer the sense of a wide screen.

Okay, we've gone through lots of different kinds of aspect ratios, but now it's time to talk about how aspect ratio can help your story. Think about how Christopher Nolan used IMAX and 70mm to give Dunkirk the largest aspect ratio possible.  Making Dunkirk huge wasn't just to drive people to the theater. It was to envelop audiences in the heat of battle, to make them feel the pressure of these men, and to give the entire story scope. 

Squeezing that movie into a more boxy proportion makes you feel the claustrophobia of the world we're in. We're under pressure and going through our passion with Reverend Toller. It also gives the movie a more classical feel. It's a throwback, like the church, and an homage to Hollywood of yesteryear. 

Your aspect ratio is not just a mathematical tool. It's also a way to enter your story and add another layer. First time film producers should consider a director that knows the required formats to any project that lands a prospective film project. It takes more than learning the lingo to get your film in the right Aspect Ratio to impress the right people. Don't shoot a film just to shoot it on video, learn to do the shit the right way before you come off looking like some amateur idiot in the local Indie Film Scene. So think about what you really want to do before you start shooting!

Good luck out there!

D. R. Quintana

Friday, April 8, 2022


 Indie Film Award LaurelYeah, it's that time of year again when Indie film teams across the country start submitting their projects into film festivals across the internet. Many of those teams are filled with the overwhelming urge to get an awards laurel stamped on their indie movie poster as "evidence" that something they filmed was produced with "professional prowess." Chins are often held higher with every new laurel that is set on their poster, like an award pendant that is proudly pinned on the chest of a soldier in front of his unit, because he was the guy who went out of his way to do the job, who did his job without complaint and left his family for months while he was on deployment. But is simply receiving a laurel for an "official selection" really something to brag about? Do these awards actually help an indie film reach the next level of success?...No, not really.

Seriously, getting selected just means that someone paid for the admission fee and the check cleared, the indie film submitted by a team hasn't been reviewed at any point of the acceptance procedure. It's not like there's a group of judges that watches each submission and says, "Oh yeah, this one HAS to be in our festival!" - But I am sure that there are films on the submission line that ARE expected to raise eyebrows if the right name is listed in the credits. For now, for anyone to brag about their film "being selected" for this or that festival is like someone getting an award laurel for filling out an application for a 5K run that won't start for another month. Remember, "selection" films are not reviewed for required film format, legal paperwork, legitimate film making experience...nothing. As a matter of fact, a large quantity of films aren’t even previewed by judges.

Furthermore, members who pay for their film being submitted to a festival, must also pay extra fees for "nominations" in their own application. That's right, studio teams have to pay cash and submit for their own nominations! Positions that are paid for consist of various genres film categories for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Producer, Best Director, etc, etc, etc. And again, judges for these festivals don't recognize "instant performances" in every indie film that was entered or selected and giving them awards for their performances. Plus there's no reassurance that all of the films submitted into a film festival are even previewed by final judges at all. I've known all about these "festival follies" for many years; and a solid reason why I never entered into film festivals since I began working on my own indie film productions.

Indie Trailers for Dummies
Super-duper amateur film makers tend to jump on the "excitement band wagon" and have a proven record of thriving on their initial success of simply being entered in a film festival. These idiots often release trailers on YouTube [which is a big no-no during the submission process] and try to prove that viewers numbers prove that the film has a large sized group of fans [apparently outside of the film teams line of family and friends] who are interested in seeing the big movie they just finished putting together. 
Film teams who boast of having an "editor from LA" ready to take over the projects post production, claim to have one just in case their initial submission turns out to be a bust; I'm not sure why a film team wouldn't have such phenomenal access to an established post-editing credential and not use that person on all of their film projects? - Seems a little odd, wouldn't one think? Oh my oh my, the cracks that slowly but surely begin to form when the truth about someones low-life integrity about knowing absolutely nothing of the film industry begins to show.

It's a known fact that meta-data has proven the members of how an indie film team love to watch their own films over-and-over again, trying to help build the numbers of the viewing counter on their YouTube account. These issues were investigated on in the Quantum Storm .357 E-Magazine [QSE .357] Issue 5, a few issues back, where we proved in a studio video investigation on how to check someones meta-data on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and any other online platform, to see what the real outside viewers numbers were to a film teams "successful" trailer or full feature film. When internal numbers are removed from the equation of viewers, industry professionals will know what the real numbers of views are; and trust me, they do look at all of the meta-data they can on any project submitted to them.

What I honestly like to see are the amateur first time leading indie actors who also enjoy the ride of tasting success through the fruits of their limited experienced performances; most of whom have never really worked on a real production or were never educated on set through experienced directors or assistant directors. Most of these people will never see the light of day as a lead or supporting role on a film project that is a step up from the film they just finished. Most are complete no-bodies who are given roles and promises of "riches to come" when they "ring that bell" of success. And unfortunately, where there is one; there is also a slew of other cast and crew members who are on that ride of just hoping that the film was "selected" by the film festival in question.

I like watching indie movie trailers. Seriously, I enjoying watching them as much as I liked being a child and walking though the toy aisle of a grocery story, looking at all of those hollow plastic cars and airplanes, saying to myself then, "Why would anyone want to buy that crap?" - Amateur indie film trailers are the same. They often boast of "film producers" you've never known [or truly want to know], credits are displayed on top of actors performing their parts, the sound is bad, the nauseating music selection is as horrific and reoccurring as the swishing sound of the ocean being replayed over and over and over. Plus I like the fact that right away, even an unbiased outsider will tell you that someone in that film production never made a film trailer in their life...but it looked like certain people in their group HAD to be presented in it; you know, people that you've never seen before in any film what-so-ever, except in their own film community.

Most normal people [like me] can see it now...a group of amateur indie film makers huddled around in prayer, waiting for that one film festival to accept their film after the entry fee was paid...waiting for the approval email that their film is IN; with some director or indie "film producer" whose already prepared a laurel to post on his or her Facebook page, just waiting for the moment that he can hit the post key. Once the news gets out, the laurel is passed out to their small team of actors an the hype begins. There's no reality but the fact that an entrance fee was paid and now the next big step in the festival process is about to begin, but this time, the next round will prove who is truly the experienced film maker from the people who just put something together with camera and no real idea of how to use them.

And even IF the film wins an award or two, what is the next step for the amateur film makers? Do they post another link on their Facebook page to show the film to the outside "millions of local fans" who are dying to see their film? Has their number one "film producer" ensured that he's paid the yearly subscription to his website to post the film and bring in that lucrative meta-data to provide to future distributors the large numbers of future fans who are wanting to see the film in question? - Something that we introduced on the QSE .357 [Issue 4] is that amateur indie film producers and directors who have no knowledge of what meta-data is or where to get it and are just people who are winging their indie film productions along. But you can bet your ass that after seeing this blog, they'll google it and be the "purveyors of knowledge" the next time you ask them, because they'll have read this blog entry too.

Current Meta Data for QSE .357 E-Mag
The truth of the matter is, if you don't have any experience in promotions, advertising, or proven connections within the indie film circuit, your film will die a sure death of never being seen by anyone that actually matters in the film industry...but hey, there's always another BIG new indie film to make...or perhaps you can be bold enough to pull a "Nanae Volle" and create your own Inde movie award festival and sweep the BIG awards with your super amateur, peace of shit film!
Nuff said.

Editorial by D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Editor in Chief



Friday, April 1, 2022





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