EDITORS NOTE - The following blog entry is the opinion of the editor [D. R. Quintana] and not the opinion of the cast and crew of Quantum Storm Pictures.

There are very few actors who will try and enforce the issue of hyping the win of being awarded "best actress" for a three second scene in a 5 minute fan film during a film festival they personally organized...but hey, I guess if you're trying your best to "fake it until you make it" then I guess it's a good start, for now. It may even seem a little silly that these same few actors will then use the "fame" of that momentous award to escalate their importance within the local community; suddenly claiming to be a professional film producer with the clout and experience to make better films than most of the elite amateurs who have yet to win award. They will often use any win as a platform for launching their film and acting career, promising to share the wealth of their award in the coming year with more films, more acting performances, and even more money which will be pouring all over their future films because of the glorious win that has now gotten world attention through the internet. Don't laugh dear reader, it's actually happening right now as we speak. It will only take you a quick search on any Facebook page that has local indie winner hashtags aligned to it; you'll be amazed at the number of local indie film actors and directors who claim to be "award winning" recipients who have broken away from the bottom dwellers of the local film scene.

Not trying to single anyone out during this blog entry, I seriously ask that anyone who claims to have won a significant international award to please have their work ready for preview for those admiring millions of Chinese fans on YIZIHIBO that are out there waiting for their chance to emulate the performance that only few amateur Indie actors could ever achieve in their lifetime if living in the U.S. for only a few years; even though there is already word the at the system has been down for a few weeks due to a buy out.; but you still have to believe what you read on their Facebook pages? Within their own little world, they try to impress people all the time on their Facebook pages claiming to be working on that next BIG film and getting a large number if views through web pages in other countries; when in reality their working with just another "guy with a video camera" and both of them have no certifications in filming, have proof that they've ever completed a real film of any kind and don't have the right connections to even film a TV commercial.

In any movie production that arises, it takes more than just good looks, posing for fake scenes that aren't being really produced, and holding a gun to make a movie successful. As a matter of fact, it takes years of acting experience through acting courses, live stage performances and weapons training to give an actor the proper professional edge needed to give a film the luster to succeed at the highest level. So, if your an actor/actress who hasn't still grasped the most basic, fundamental language skills required to deliver dialog, then you have a lot of work to do. No tiara or acting award will erase the qualities you lack as an actor/actress and it will take more than a nine minute film to help you truly hone your acting skills and gain you real credibility in the heavy, sometimes intense competitive Indie film scene which struggles to gain favor as a film industry.

And if you think you can make it BIG in the Indie film scene with just your good looks alone, keep in mind that the indie film scene is a mecca of good looks and talent. It doesn't matter how many great looking actors or actresses are in your yet undeveloped and un-produced film that you may have, there are prettier and sexier actors that are willing to go the extra mile to prove their better and sexier for any role that you think your highly qualified for. And when I say better talent, I Mean people who have studied for years in front and behind the camera and have proven themselves in the real are of movie production, through proven directors and producers that have actually finished films and have many under their belts to impress any investor wanting to throw cash down on a project. Given the opportunity to truly impress and make that film your in MORE special, all it takes is a simple email to contact me to help give your film project direct access to a talented actress who will perform to please and not surround the cast and crew with drama. These proven actors don't spend a lot of time on Facebook, worrying about how many hits and views they get for a post. They are honest, hard working professionals that love to film for the art.

But if your film production needs a real, certified actor/actress to up the ante in the acting department to win you a real investor, theres always the great connection through the Quantum Storm E-Magazine [QSE] as my publication always lists the top 30 actors/actresses in the state with bonafide SAG cards, lists of awards, long list of films they've partaken in; including featured roles and extras, and contact numbers for their professional agents. So, if your now claiming to also be a producer or co-producer in film productions, always be sure to keep your options open for a better actor or crew to help make the best film possible. Credibility and respect go a LONG way in the indie film scene for any future producer who is only wanting to put together the best team to make an impressive film for future fans, no rigged award will win you the hearts of both the film scene or future fans in your local community. Being a film producer means you know how to manage a production set, provide proper contracts to protect yourself and your actors careers, provide the studio the best equipment, materials, and locations that will separate your film project from anyone else.
If you claim to be an actor/actress, but also produce or co-produce a film project, at least have the dignity to educate yourself on how to do the job properly. Don't try to just be another person who plans on "making a difference" overnight and being a millionaire on a project that still shoots films on a Cannon 5D or a hand held camera!
D. R. Quintana
Editor in Chief