Showing posts with label Wheel of Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wheel of Time. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2023


🎥🎞Series Review🎞🎥 - WHEEL OF TIME Season 2 - Amazon Prime - [PG 13] - This series is based on the book series by Robert Jordan. During the first season, there was something about this series that honestly intrigued me to follow it...maybe it was the addition of Rosamund Pike [from Gone Girl (2014)] that honed my willingness to give this thing a try; or maybe it was the visual effects, the details in the production, the hint of mystical mystery, the look of being defiant against the new prequel series out there, some distant recollection of the Lord of the Rings...whatever it was, I fell for it watching the first trailer and I only watched the second season in hopes the show would change direction and gain strength. SEASON 1 REVIEW if you dare to read this one too.

Honestly, after Season One, I have no earthly idea what this series is about or what is going on. There are witches or sorts in a world led by strong women, some guys that have the abilities of Warlocks, and I honestly don't know or care to know anything else about this dumpster fire. There are three plots and at least five storylines all going on at the same time and your guess is as good as mine to what this season is all about.

THE GOOD - Uhmn...lets see. Rosamund Pike is in the series. She definitely is the best actor in the entire production and she takes up the entire screen with her emotions, which sell perfectly when she's upset or failed to do something...uh yeah, that's about it.

THE BAD - Good Lord, where do I start. The pacing is atrocious; primarily due to the lack of emphasis on the plot and making a story that aligns with it. The writers to this train wreck lost all credibility to the series by slowing down and having arc after arc of character development, when all of that should have been established in the first season. There's tons and tons of bad acting. The screenplay completely fails to bring in a big reveal when it's needed and every episode ends with a badly choreographed battle or quick skirmish that leaves some of the main characters injured, maimed, or unconscious. There's so much mystery in this "what could be" epic series, but the director and the production team can't being in enough CGI to save the show from just drowning in the huge toilet flush that the viewers are sure to activate within the first two episodes of this fresh season.

POST MORTEM - There's far too much female liberalism and hints of lesbian love that's damaged the core of this show. Wiping the male race as a bunch of brainless warriors and lower priests just brings this thing to a non-clamactic pyre of burning dog shit that I just can't review anymore.


Saturday, September 24, 2022


 ðŸŽ¥ðŸŽžSeries Review🎞🎥 - WHEEL OF TIME - Amazon Prime - [PG 13] - This series is based on the book series by Robert Jordan. There was something about the first three episodes of this series that honestly intrigued me to follow it. Maybe it was the visual effects, the details in the production, the hint of mystical mystery, the look of being defiant against the new prequel series out there...maybe it was the addition of Rosamund Pike [from Gone Girl (2014)] that honed my willingness to give this thing a try.

At first glance, the story pitch was a little dry, dropping the viewer into the middle of something big, with magic and other essential mystical and dark elements to a back story that happened a long time ago; falling along the lines of Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. So much of the same type of writing that movies and series before have digressed through over the recent years, that by the time the actual plot is laid out to the viewer, over some mysterious and diabolical reasons that no normal person could possibly understand or accept into their normal lives, you find out that there's a mission involved and that only a few people have been chosen to follow, all mostly against their will. I know, it all sounds like we've heard this same crap before, right? certainly isn't the story that sounds too familiar, but with all of the visual effects, the production, and the directing that all looks too familiar to ignore.

The story arc revolves around a group of young twenty year olds, all of whom question just about everything, including their own abilities, and love to argue amongst themselves over self doubt. They are forced to split up and travel for a few months to reach “The White Tower” - a place where all of the known witches reside, preparing themselves for a possible encounter with “The Dark One,” who is seldom seen. There is a prophecy that has been told and they are told that one member of the group is “the chosen one” who will defeat the evil one. Strange plot twist I’m sure, but the series still finds a way to show who is straight, who is gay/lesbian, and who has chosen to be celibate for spiritual reasons.  

The cast is female heavy, most of the magic wielders are female, and in today's Hollywood way of thinking, where ever there's bunch of women living in harmony...well, you guessed it, there's some "alternate lifestyle" lesbianism  going on, which isn't a bad thing, but goes to prove that networks [and streaming services alike] love to use it to piss viewers off and make a selling point to bring in the younger viewers, like its THAT important to show that even in mystical times, being gay exists...whoah boy!

It's also too obvious to point out that, since masculinity is no longer an important element in the mystical world, that there are some over powering and heavily choreographed fight scenes with female heroines which will make this series last another season. If your in to watching a lot of cheese for entertainment, stay the course and enjoy the show. But in reality, this series had something good going for it until the leading character, for all of her mystery and power of being a magical witch, just showed her hand of cards and it was extremely weak.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ [3 of 5 Stars]