Showing posts with label Tyler Tackett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyler Tackett. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2024


Movie Review - THE QUANTUM DEVIL [2023] - [R] - BlueRay - Directed by Larry Carrell. Written by Carrell, Woody Kieth, Zeph Daniels. Starring Niel Dickson, Tyler Tackett, Tamara Radovanic, Edward Apeagyel and Robert Englund. Budget $2Million [In Carrell dollars, of course]

A team of scientists, Led by Doctor Cernovich [Dickson], meet up in Europe to break a quantum barrier and travel into a new dimension. As the barrier is broke, each scientist involved with the barrier experience past experiences and confront an evil alternative or an aggressive result of scenarios that could have happened in the real world. The team of scientist are exposed to demons, large beasts, and some thrilling monster/gore that were not expected during their trip into the inter-dimensional unknown.

THE GOOD - The build up of tension and horror were far better than expected. The wardrobe was phenomenal along with some startling CGI effects and other small visual effects that were layered into some scenes, giving you the feel that the film truly was produced in an older-stylistic European setting. The cinematography was crisp and some of the camera angles were a leap from previous Carrell films.

THE BAD - A large part of the film had a campy feel in many of the performances of the large cast if characters. A lot of "old style" camera effects and monster performances gave some scenes at times that "Thriller" music video look and was just silly and awful. One very noticeable thing was that a lot of the CGI monstrosity that suddenly appeared into a scene never actually interact with the cast, most of it was designed only as epic flash in an attempt to boost up the look of the production, but had no real result to the film or the arc of the plot in general. Oh, I can't forget to mention the blood and gore that was just all over the place in some scenes...It wasn't as bone chilling as it could have been.


←  Lighting
   Camera Work
←  Screenplay
↑   Wardrobe
   Use of Visuals
  Time Lapse
↑   Rule of Thirds
←  Ending/Follow through
POST MORTEM - This is a good film. Carrell's direction in bringing this film is a huge step in his growth as a filmmaker, but I feel that the casting was the larger part of the films "missing element" for proper success. The addition of Englund was well added to the film, but his part didn't make a significant impact for lifting this slasher/monster movie success. The Quantum Devil is a slasher/monster movie that fits right up there with some older classics, but since there hasn't been any real headway outside of the small slasher/monster film community about it's existence, the sparkle of this film will fade pretty quickly until the next Carrell film gets released.

⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 [3.5 of 5 Stars]
Joseph TRAM
Joseph_TRAM @ 10:51pm 4/8/24 - Here you go again, taking aim at a hard hitting film director [something you're not] and trying to bring him down with one of your reviews that has very little attention from the film community you alienated so long ago. Larry has worked hard, devoted all of his time to creating the next best film. He left the Houston scene so long ago and I'm sure you don't have anything but a few films to brag about. Leave the film making to the true filmmakers. I'm pretty sure no one would hire you to produce  film anywhere in any film group. So, go back into your little hideaway and stay put. I know you won't be letting anyone know that some people do call you out!

DRQ Response
Dave Q - Crom laughs at your fore winds! Since Larry Carrell has posed himself into the realm of wanting to be a big name in the film industry, where I agree that he may be in the small world of the slasher film genre. But now being a public figure, his work is open to review and critique by any person who works in the field of watching movies and providing a solid, unbiased review. As far as I'm concerned, I gave him high marks in production, story telling, and cinematography. The star rating reflects his overall work, and yeah, I'm the one who approves the star rating. Not every film Larry makes is enjoyed and liked by everyone and even his rating on Rotten Tomatoes proves my point. You and Larry's team of misfits need to "suck it up" and take each review for what it honest assessment from person[s] who aren't kissing ass from the crazy ride Larry provides.
And for the record, this is a monetized blog with an outreach to more countries than you can count. This blog has a large fan base of subscribers and is also followed by several members of the same company that help produce Larry's new movies. Next time do some study before you try shaming me into not posting your comment. Our blog brings the receipts with constant meta data tracking people who come to this blog, and with the help of reader input, we post our numbers proudly. Before you go off shooting at the mouth about defending your favorite director, have the insight to know that you might make an ass out of yourself by being misinformed.