Saturday, January 11, 2020


D. R. Quintana, D. R. Quintana-Lujan, writer, journalist, film maker, director
Houston, Texas - We've been approached on more than one occasion about what the rules are concerning Independent Film projects who are claiming they have a contract deal with Netflix, Amazon, or a distribution compan far away agreeing to help stream this new project or put it out in store on DVD/BlueRays, so they can receive big checks from investors and the like, bringing the project to the next level of success. A lot of new actors and some talented veteran thespians are often dragged into these projects, that sometimes work on scenes for six months to a year, but eventually die out after some investor backed out or the director and his production crew were unable to make a trip to "LA" [Los Angeles] to meet with the right people.

A large majority of these new Indie films start off with a bright burn of fast cash that all seems legit. A smaller percentage manage to contact some big name in Hollywood; usually an actor from the 80's or 90's that's still trying to make payments on his/her new home or a new car. With all of the cash flying around, the local Indie actor sees very little and extras on the set are just an after thought to brag about it on their resumes or IMDB page. But was all the effort worth the trouble?...Many male directors look at casting strong local talent as an open door policy to attracting "hot babe" actresses who just want to stand in the limelight and garner local attention, which can be plenty of pay enough to sate their thirst for being the "big name" in town. Besides, just knowing that the Netflix or Amazon deal is on the wings now, is just a bonus - "Everyone in the world will get to see my work in front of the camera!"

Well boys and girls, I really hate to break it to you on this blog, but NONE of the streaming services like Netflix, VUDU, HULU, or distribution companies work this way; and for sure, investors don't sign paychecks to anyone in the payroll for projects they helped fund. Although investors maintain ownership of a project until they're paid back in full with the percentage of interest promised in a contract, the production team has to maintain the projects budget through a project manager who ensures the entire project's budget is maintained and every cent accounted for and that it is NOT being used for personal again. They also ensure that the project has insurance to cover any loss in the production. Most veteran thespians should already know all of this, but sometimes their minds lax a bit and they slip through and they wind up grabbing a hold of hope.

Hope won't save anyone's ass should the project fail to produce a promised project and funds are misused and not reported to the investor(s). Case in point is an Indie project called "LEGENDS" out of Los Angeles, where Adam Joiner was able to acquire a little of $14Million in investments from South Korea and China with a brilliant script, through a studio company he called Dark Planet Pictures. The entire thing was sham and Joiner was living the high life until he was arrested by the feds; buying two homes and a beach house in Manhattan with the big money. There are accusations that he swindled more people in the U.S. with this project that had a long list of talent that was going to take part as the production team and cast. You can read more about this true story here. And you have to remember, this guy had previous film credentials and, at one time, was even a winner of an Oscar.

Here in Texas, the claims that an Indie film project is being "seen" by Netflix have been brought more times that anyone can count. In Houston alone, it's part of the status-quo; some projects brought up on prior blogs that wound up being bad productions that eventually were only released on the Internet, having some "small change" views on and they turned out to be webisodes of bad formatted shows filled with acting performances you'll wish you never spent time viewing. We posted warnings about film directors claiming "Netflix status" on more than one occasion, but it seems that either the word just isn't getting out or people would rather ride the wave of sex, film and fun until the magic dries up. Some those choices made by first time actors/actresses prove to be a huge burden and many are never seen again in the Indie film making world.

How do you protect yourself?...well, the first thing to do is to do research on the film's director and crew that you've chosen to work with. What previous works have they submitted to Netflix, Amazon, etc. If they have no previous experience, do your best to ask the right questions; "How did Netflix find out about you and contact you?" - "Can I see some of your previous works?" - "Who's going to be the production manager?" - "Is there a budget?" - "Are there camera requirements for the submission?" - If you get crummy answers [or non-answers] to any of these legitimate questions from the director, then you should have a good sense to know that you could be wasting your time on this film project.

Every streaming network has a format that is required prior to accepting any film project that is submitted; especially the type of camera and data sizes for streaming purposes. There truly isn't a point of contact with the streaming service and they never call anyone about the progress of the film as they only accept completed film projects that have all of the proof as required on their home pages; anyone can look this up. The information posted under their submission procedures doesn't change just because you're a director or producer.

And take warning, if you're in an Indie project that has an actual budget that has money being spent everywhere, be sure that the director isn't also the editor, leading actor, and project manager in the project. If any these things are currently occurring in the film project your in, it's time for you to take any losses you may have incurred and step away.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Dulce Garcia, Sonia Reyes, Maque Garcia
Already we've started 2020 with a BANG! as the studio released the first all LATIN based Novella [or soap opera] in Houston, Texas filmed entirely with Latin actors and produced entirely in Spanish and is entitled LA FUERZA; starring Maque Garcia, Omar Scanu, Dulce Garcia, Sonia Reyes, Huberto Villarreal, Selma Flores and many more of Houston's talented Latin actors and actresses. As this series continues to grow with the next passing chapters in a delicate story, we are sure that the Latin fan base will grow to an all new level, something we didn't expect so soon with the first installment of chapters; especially the 3500+ views and over 1750 shares that we've experienced so far since the launch of the series on the midnight of January 1st! 

The entire cast of Fuerza is excited with the reception of views, comments, and reviews the first segment of chapters has received in only the first day of its release. The plot concerns two Latino wives who are fighting for control of the Houston Cartel; which ends up with a deadly altercation between one wife and a hired Mexican hitman who is notorious for using a knife on his prey. The successful marketing to any project belongs to a driven person who believes in the project and aspires to bring in more numbers to view the show; and that honor goes to Sonia Reyes who has brought in a large number of fans from outside of Texas and Mexico to watch the series. You can expect this series to go to DVD/BlueRay in March with a subtitled version being released on Facebook in March.

Quantum Storm Pictures will also be filming ISCANDAR, a Star Trek-ish series set for a release in late October. The cast has been set and are awaiting their filming schedules as there has been a huge re-write in the series. Studio CEO, David Quintana, says that there is also a fourth project that will start filming in September, but he doesn't want to promote that film until the leading cast members are solidified. Iscandar already has a Facebook page that boast a little over 800 followers and there is interest in this SciFi series that stretches outside of the U.S., into Europe and other countries with other interested SciFi groups screaming for a chance to review the series.

Quintana says that the films are being produced for fun and that all of the projects are based on "volunteer/commitment"  contracts by actors who want to work on projects and not worry about the dollar aspect of their work until the projects make money through DVD/BlueRay sales. More information will be posted on the blog as production efforts begin on each project.
 J. Jazz
[Contributing Writer]