This publication gets its information from inside credible sources and proven documentation, informing local state production teams, actors, investors and amateur filmmakers with all of the news, gossip, drama, and scams happening in the state. Each story is examined, investigated, re-examined and prepared with as much information and counter-information to keep you informed about what is happening in your local community.
issue has fabulous page layouts, award winning photography, headshots,
in-depth actor and cast interviews, local state advertising, personal
ads, actors resume's, local indie movie reviews, production schedules,
filmmaking requirements, Covid-19 warnings in film, news articles,
upcoming events, wine tasting news, bike rider events, and much-much
But this insightful publication is not for free and the only way to get you into the local "KNOW" and to follow this BLOG is to purchase a subscription. You can simply subscribe by clicking HERE.