Brilliantly directed by SciFi extraordinaire Dan Trachtenberg who also directed a Cloverfield spinoff and an episode of Black Mirror, he set off to make PREY a little bit more believable and give the Native Americans, who were considerably under armed and extremely vulnerable to an alien predators high tech weapons attacks, a very daring and brave bunch of warriors who faced their enemy without regard to their own safety and lives.
Rumor has surfaced that the Native American cast members of PREY were required to speak Comanche during their screening test, should the director had decided to film the entire production in the Native American tongue. The film presented the Comanche tribe in a pre-horse history, where the first French and anglo-saxon visitors entered their region of territory and introduced the natives to horseback riding, so English was not a native tongue in the region for many years, but I feel that the movie transitioned into the need for English very well.
The visual and special effects for the film were superb and sometimes a little too much for a few scenes. But there was fantastic detail presenting the Native American's, which I felt was pretty impressive and along the lines of the visual beauty not seen since Kevin Costner's Dances With Wolves was released. And I'd like to extend a few kudos to the designer of the Predator, as this was a prequel to the first film and they gave a clean restart to the alien hunter from that which was seen in the first and second Predator movies.
Make no mistake, this is a solid and horrifying look at the Predator series. I highly recommend you see this film without any interruption. One look off the movie to grab for your phone or a drink and you'll miss something important!
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ [4 of 5 Stars]