Showing posts with label Mayor of Kingstown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mayor of Kingstown. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


TROUBLE IN SHANGRI-LA - As the finger pointing has started to take center stage on the production of the final season to one of the biggest shows being presented by Paramount, many people have lost sight on who started the whole thing to get Kevin Costner to want to leave the show. YELLOWSTONE [YS] is one hell of a series, but even though it has it's many faults, story telling with character developments that has so many cracks, that the toughness of just a few characters make the fans of the show forget that the series truly has no ending...or a lack there of. And for a series that was allegedly written in 2013, why is there a sudden shock that the leading actor [and Executive Producer] is complaining that the series has long run it's course and that the series creator is just now stalling to end the show?

The YS plot establishments are all over the place, so much so, that the series writer has had to try and develop several off-shoot shows to tell the whole family history, leaving many to wonder "who is related to who?" and "how does this tie in with that?" - I presented a theory in a recent blog review of one of Taylor Sheridan's earlier works, WIND RIVER, a movie that had it's moment of wonder, but then a complete failure with an ending so bad that, I was completely confused about how Sheridan sold this film to anyone. Especially since the cast of the film was filled with some talented veterans, i.e. Elizabeth Olson and Jeremy Renner; and some actors that eventually were entrusted to perform brilliantly on YS. To put it clearly, Sheridan has a reputation for writing bad endings to good ideas.

Kevin Costner
Costner has made it clear that YS was never intended to go beyond five years of production and that he's felt that Sheridan has dragged the the show in so many directions that it's impossible for the series to end after this fifth season, that is currently on hold as Sheridan has been forced to rewrite a ton of it. With only a handful of episodes left, there's no doubt that Costner's character [John Dutton] has to be killed off to make any sense of the irregularity of story arcs that the series currently presents to it's fans. I'm sure Sheridan is under a lot of pressure now and Costner called him out on his previous work and told the now cocky show's creator, "Lets get this thing done!" - Especially since it's no secret that Costner is back to working on full feature films and is now claiming that he will never work outside of that medium again.

Sheridan's reputation in Hollywood has been under fire lately. Insiders say that the writer/creator is full of himself and holds an ambitious attitude against anyone that questions his writing. His ego is costing many of his other streaming series to take a ride on the back burner until he finishes scripting the screenplay on YS. Many feel that he has too may pokers in the fire and he can't control the pacing of writing for each series under his control. It could be true, I've watched most of his series and I feel that all of them have the same motif in constructive writing; bad guys that take a turn for making good decisions while staying bad guys. Not that it's a bad idea, but over time, the stories become dull and then he tosses in another story arc to loosen things up and prolong the series for another episode or two. One thing is for sure though, Sheridan has top names of veteran actors working on all of his projects and that formula keeps his work alive on the streaming circuit.

The question now is, when will the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren, or Jeremy Renner get tired of Sheridan's ambitious ego and take a leap from his series work like Costner did?