This is the fourth installment to the Beverly Hills Cop [BHC] franchise. A private investigator, once a Beverly Hills Police Detective, Billy Rosewood [Reinhold] has stumbled on a conspiracy that potentially involves dirty cops, add to that a threat to Axel Foley's daughter [Taylour], and when the dubious pressure builds out of control, Rosewood suddenly disappears. An older and still troublesome police detective, Axel Foley [Murphy], makes his way back to Beverly Hills where he tries to infiltrate the city with his old, impulsive and impromptu ideas to solve this new conspiracy that involves dirty cop, Captain Grant [Bacon]. To solve this new caper, it will take the involvement of many old faces from BHC one and two to help solve this case.
THE GOOD - Some of the old faces from the original film came back for this film. The production was able to use some old scene locations from the first film and incorporate them to this film.
THE BAD - Bad story, bad directing, bad screenplay, bad cinematographer, overacting, dismal character development, cliche 80's chatter, low budget film production, dealing with a new generation of over privileged local citizens with new cellphone technologies and some romantic multi-racial bullshit.
POST MORTEM - I struggled during the first twenty minutes of this movie just trying to settle in and get to liking what I was being exposed to. There's a lot of nostalgia in the story, plots, some old 80's gimmicks and plotlines, all wrapped up in one crappy movie to help you waste your time watching this train wreck. There was nothing new to see, nothing clever, nothing actually funny. Watch this crappy film at your own risk.
⭐️⭐️π« [2.5 of 5 Stars]