Spectre Zero is a paranormal, dramatic web series created and produced by David Quintana-Lujan in 2018. This was the fourth web series created by the director-producer under the studio name, Quantum Storm Pictures. Paranormal Research team "Spectre Zero" led by Markus [Daniel Erik] and Wynn Mi [Sara Mao] investigate some of the scariest Urban Legends in the local towns. Markus is a skeptic who questions everything in a logical manner, while Wynn is a "seer" with the ability to jump into the paranormal realm to see the real problems that occur whenever benevolent spirits are haunting the local people. They are not "ghost whisperers" they only seek to find the answer to the problems with evil spirits. Spectre Zero also features Saira Ramos, Joseph Marshall, Gwendoline Chang, David Kufner, Celina Monks, Larry Monks, Alex Yi, and Lora Mao.
Directed by D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Screenplay by D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Story by D.
R. Quintana-Lujan
Based on
Characters by
D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Produced by
D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Barbara Johnston
Patti Wieser Hall
Starring Daniel Erik & Sara Mao
Cinematography by D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Edited by D. R. Quintana-Lujan
Music by Lora Mao
Company Quantum Storm
Running Time 25 minutes
Countries United States
Language English
Budget $1,700 per episode
SPECTRE ZERO is an ultra-low independent web series directed and produced by David Quintana-Lujan during the summer of 2018. During a years hiatus from film production, the director-producer had a paranormal experience that he couldn't explain clearly, so he put it into a script. The experience concerned a constant loud knocking on the front door to his home, each time in a row of three knocks, the knocking became louder and louder. Outside a white shadowy figure stood there relentlessly knocking as hard as it could. When the director-producer awoke he was in a cold sweat and quickly began to type out the script. The first episode was written in three days and shortly after that, episode 2 and 3 were laid out in a week.
Before casting and pre-production ever started, the director-producer contacted Lora Mao and requested specific music to fill the mood of the show and to create something memorable for the opening credits. Mao responded with precision expertise, sending the director-producer a perfect set of tracks with moods of mystery and paranormal eeriness that he felt was perfect to introduce the show to fans of various ages. With the track selection narrowed down to only five tracks, the director-producer began a casting call to fill roles and to also begin searching for locations to this paranormal monster project. The director-producer wanted to work with newer and malleable actors who could commit to a long term project and be able to deliver their performances in an unusual atmosphere - like acting in the complete dark.
Before accepting the role in the new series, Sara studied many shows on television and Netflix, studying actors emotional responses to situations that occurred from scene to scene. She used method acting to fill in the mission spots and her gamble paid off as the director-producer chose her for the leading role as "Wynn Mi," a young lawyers assistant by day and a clairvoyant paranormal investigator by night. Wynn Mi's mother would be played by Gwendoline Chang, who came highly recommended by Lora Mao. Chang proved to be perfect for the role of a sexy lawyer and mother who uses her daughters gift of clairvoyance to screen out potential clients for her law firm.
In the end, a lot of work went into producing four episodes to the series. Only two episodes have been released by the studio as the studio began efforts to work on another feature film and the director-producer had to focus his efforts to complete the feature film first before returning to work on Spectre Zero.