*No Spoiler Review* - Basically, Wade Wilson (Deadpool) [Reynolds] is a retired superhero trying to live a normal life with his friends, but a second chance at redemption steps in when an administer of quantum realities [Macfadyen] steps in to change a timeline that revolves around the X-Men's Wolverine [Jackman], who is lost and wandering through life as a bonafide alcoholic. Deadpool enlists the help of Wolverine to find a way to chance their respective histories and restore order their universe, bringing back old friends from the dead and saving humanity. The big problem is, the duo must use the help of superheros that have lost their potential on the big screen - breaking the fourth barrier of comic book lore - and breathing new life into their new retconned existence; literally poking Fox Entertainment in the eye for giving up on some old movie ideas that could have been spectacular.
THE GOOD - Fantastic story arc. The visual effects are breathtaking and there is a ton of action in this film. Lots of blood, body parts, and an extended use of CGI to fill in the blanks for people who need to see more. There was an astonishing dramatic part in the film where Wolverine [Jackman] spills his heart about being a superhero and losing all that he loves. Lots of humor and inside jokes pertaining to comic book universal canon.
THE BAD - There's too much humor and inside jokes pertaining to comic book universal canon. Reynold's gabs a lot - and even though I know it's a comic book thing - it gets a little annoying over an extended period of time. The CGI is a little too much at times, taking away the practical effects and realism of how things happen in real life.
POST MORTEM - In my opinion, Reynold's truly loves the sound of his own voice and I am sure that muting his voice, this film wouldn't have been as good. Out of all the super hero films released, I feel this is the best film I've seen in a long time! I think that the hype was just perfect and the excitement was just as important during the early promotional effort to the film. This film has everything that a comic book enthusiast would love to see in just one film. As Stan Lee would say, "EXCELSIOR!"
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [4 of 5 Stars]