The series covers the life of Montana Rancher, John Dutton, whose family history has established one of the largest ranch in the United States; there are several spin offs that have flourished over the development of the series backstory to present the power and growth of the fictional Dutton family. There's a lot of dirty business that has helped a cluster of the family maintain control of the land against government officials, a local Native American tribe, environmentalists and some dark "mob-type" family rivals who have also established a foothold in the area of the ranch, known to all as Yellowstone. Even though Sheridan created & developed the show, most of the show's impact on viewership has been built by the prominent popularity and addition of Costner as the leading character. Sheridan makes a cameo appearance in the series, but his addition did not boost an increase in viewership.
THE GOOD - There are moments in the series where the drama is thick, the action is super heavy & intense, and the emotions run high. Many of the upstart actors get prime limelight in the series and are given story arcs to help develop their characters; several characters splendor off and are planning to have their own series[?]. The cinematography can be extremely breathtaking, being able to capture a multitude of epic open scenery, nature, wildlife, and environmental atmosphere that can only be described as "magnificently captured."
THE BAD - Costner has lived a life of movie making
where completed scripts have given him a sense of direction where the
project is going; what the final goal of the project is being developed
to reveal. In contempt, he may have confronted Sheridan over the course of the series, which was obviously only planned for five seasons, but it's been alleged that Sheridan
has indulged himself in a money grab movement against Paramount,
wanting to expand the series to six seasons which apparently angered Costner - who has contracts with other movie studios & working on a new film - and had Costner demand that production on the series end during the fifth season. It's no secret now that Sheridan has shut off production to re-write the scripts to close out the series in the November [2023]. Each season has arranged a large volume of story and plots that seem to jumble about and throw off the series tempo. There is a large array of what I call "cowboy videos" which presents a track from a local country singer, some views of cowboys parading about doing rodeo stunts, and some colorful panoramic views of daily cowboy life. Even though the addition of these cowboy videos may seem to bring a love for the culture, but the fifth season, these little additions to the series have become nothing but filler; red taped video to extend an episode because of a lack of story. There's no doubt about it, and you can sense a little tension and dismay over these filler scenes by watching Costner's performance in the later episodes; he seemed to be dropping the same dialog over and over again. The worst parts in the series is Sheridan's constant presentation of dread that follows any spark of positive reinforcement in the show. At the time of this review posting, Costner has refused to show up for production efforts and his estranged wife was not happy with the progress of the series.
⭐️⭐️⭐️π«[3.5 of 5 Stars]
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