Friday, September 16, 2022


Copyright 2022 Quantum Storm Pictures/Blogger

Read the numbers and weep! - The Quantum Storm History WIKI pages are proving to be a hit with studio followers. Many comments of your comments have been received and the studio is doing it's best to answer your questions to give you the best up-to-date information, and in some instances, provide behind the scenes requests. The Wiki posts are an attempt to build "source material" for the Wikipedia website to start building a historical database for studio films.

Copyright 2022 Highwaymen Editions Ltd/Quantum Storm Pictures
There is no doubt that the largest hits we received over time was the latest issue of the QSE .357 E-Magazine which has a ton of Star Trek fans requesting an extensive peek into the Iscandar series that is currently in production. News was leaked in the last issue that the series production team was in Dallas, Texas working on a new episode and there were photos presenting a possible time travel episode concerning events on November 2, 1963; the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. 

The studio CEO says that the episode in production for Iscandar concerns a dark story that is in line with the Original Star Trek series [STOS] "City on the Edge of Forever" and one that  strong cast was hired to assist with the episode. A Wiki for the Iscandar series will not be released until the first season of the series is released online. The studio has not mentioned a suggested release date for the series, but promises that a trailer for the series is currently being manufactured with all of the footage that is currently on file. What is known about the series is that there are several variances in the cast lineup which will be presented at one time. More information for the Iscandar series to follow.

Studio Wiki's will also be produced for local and statewide Independent films which were advertised or hyped for production, but never released or were failed to be produced as promised. With notes taken from studio news investigations over the course of more than ten years, the studio plans to release the Wiki's in the next few coming months. As mentioned earlier, people involved in these failed Independent film projects will be given an open opportunity to add or request certain information to be released from the new Wiki posts, but all requested changes or deletions will be posted on the Wiki's to give other individuals the chance to counter a change or deletion.

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