Wednesday, December 28, 2016


This movie is DOGSHIT!

...And this blog entry is going to be a good reason that I will never be promoted in media as a film critic "who has good taste and delivery."

I am completely convinced that Hollywood is trying to damage Gene Roddenberry's dream and universe, by unleashing a myriad of bad writers...yeah YOU, Simon Pegg, and bad directors to produce and sell a bad idea with bad plots, no character development, shoddy presentation, and no chemistry performances that level out a new genre of CGI crap B-Films that have no foundation of creative genius and will die out as a "bad conception" as time passes on. 

What is MOST absurd, was the transparent plotline where the crew of the U.S.S. FRANKLIN was responsible for being the bad guy in the film! If Roddenberry wasn't tossing and throwing up in his coffin, I was surely tossing and turning in my bed last night...."Gravitational Slipstream???"....seriously, my trekkie folks!?!?!? were happy with this shit pile?????

1 comment:

  1. There's not enough dog crap to pile on this movie. Beyond was beyond ridiculous, beyond believable, and just another action scrum film that deserves just to fade away.

    Jan M.
    Eagles Nest, NM
